| Ford Church

Students Clean up Creek as Part of Action Project!

Creek Clean up!

Creek Clean up!

Well done second quarter CAP!
You’ve made a movie about water conservation.
Submitted a proposal to BVSD encouraging them to replace appliances with low-flow versions.
Gotten to the root of the rainwater collection laws in Boulder County.
Cleaned up the Creek
And a lot more! 
As a part of their action project students in second quarter CAP class organized a clean up along Boulder Creek. They partnered with the “Keep it Clean Partnership”
We were surprised to find that we spent a full half an hour picking up cigarette butts and had barely made a dent! Even in the snow we found plenty of trash. All told, we filled 6 garbage bags in about two hours, plus a full bag of recycling and two bicycle seats, which we will take to Community Cycles for re-use.
Drain full of trash

Drain full of trash

A Note From Jennelle Freeston of the Keep it Clean Partnership:
“Thanks so much for your work on the creek cleanup last week. Wow, they found a lot of trash! It is good to hear that it made an impact. There is nothing like being up close with the creek like that.”
Levi reaches for some trash!

Levi reaches for some trash!

Some of your thoughts on the project:

“I’m hoping to make a difference not only by reducing my own footprint, but by multiplying the beneficial actions. I am hoping to do this through CAP Club and I aim to initiate a system that really encourages people to participate. I love to learn, especially about things that are my generation’s challenge to solve.”

                        ~Zander Deetz (11th grader).


 “The amount of work that was put into this project was amazing. The video that we made will be a huge success for everyone in the CAP class. I am very glad that this project went well and no one had a sour attitude towards it. Because of this we were able to make something so great. I thank everyone in my class. It was so nice to do something for the environment. I learned many things in this class that I would not learn in any other class including group skills and problem solving skills.”

                                                                           ~Levi McIntire (9th grade).


“Once the class had all the plans in place we worked very well and efficiently.  With all this hard work we accomplished everything I expected to get done. I am pleased with the result of our educational video. We did a very good job with the project. As a citizen of Boulder County I feel like I have always known a good amount about important environmental issues. Now that I have taken this CAP class I feel like almost an expert on a few specific issues. Having done this research I feel much more obligated to continue helping out to solve water problems.”

                                                                        ~Alex Stern (12th grade).


Another important part of this class is the action project, we chose water issues. We decided to make a motion picture to educate the public about the impact of bottled water on the environment, and how to conserve water in our arid climate. At first, I felt like there was not much we could do, but as time went on I realized that we could do a lot, and just because we are high school students doesn’t limit the amount of influence we have on other people. I feel it is our role to take more action in the community.”

                                                                        ~Scott Collins (10th grade).



Thanks for a great quarter and I look forward to seeing you around school!


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