Cottonwood Institute (CI) is a small grassroots organization and we depend on volunteers to help pull off just about everything. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Ford Church at 303.447.1076 or via Email.
Our biggest need is for volunteers to help set up and break down the annual Base Camp Bash in April and The Throwdown in July. We also need help contacting local businesses to get unique outdoor gear, art, wine, restaurant gift certificates, vacation packages, and eco-friendly products and services donated for its auction, event sponsorships, and/or tax-deductible donations. Please contact our Events Coordinator, Mel Georgi, to volunteer!
Board of Directors:
Board Members are active, voting members that, with the help of CI staff govern the business of CI and contribute to its success, long-term viability, and sustainability.
Advisory Board:
Advisory Board Members are active volunteers that have core competencies in strategic planning, finance, fundraising, marketing, programming, or technology and advise the Executive Director and Board of Directors. Advisory Board Members are not considered governing Board Members and do not have voting power.
Give Monthly. Change Lives All Year Long:
If you are crazy busy and making a donation is the easiest way for you to get involved and contribute, consider making a monthly donation and help Cottonwood Institute change lives all year long.
For more information about our volunteer opportunities and how to join our team, please contact Ford Church at 303.447.1076 or via Email.