| Ford Church

CAP Week In Review – September 14, 15, 17, 2004

Last week we continued to plug away with our Action Project. On Tuesday we trekked on down to the computer lab to begin our research about the pine beetle infestation problem in Colorado. The class nominated two Project Managers who will be responsible for delegating tasks that need to be completed to all of the logistics for our Action Project. I am excited that the class nominated Roxanna Sears and Zoe Kline.

On Wednesday morning, we discussed an article that appeared in the Boulder Weekly called Bad Neighbor: Sugarloaf Logging Ignites Controversy. This was a timely article because it indirectly related to our Action Project. Some of the thinning projects for wildfire mitigation can attract the mountain pine beetle and cause infestations. This article sparked a great discussion and actually helped us identify agencies that deal with the pine beetle infestation problem in Boulder County. Because we were running short on time on Tuesday, we extended our research time in the computer lab on Wednesday morning. The Project Managers broke the class into teams to target different agencies in Boulder County to find out basic questions about the pine beetle infestation in Colorado.

On Wednesday afternoon, we went up to Chautauqua to prepare for our first overnight camping trip. Because Roxanna is repeating the class, she is expected to teach a lesson she learned from her previous CAP experience and share it with the class. Roxanna chose to teach the class about Leave No Trace environmental ethics. Roxanna did a great job of talking about the 7 principles of Leave No Trace and integrating stories from her personal camping experience. Great job Roxanna! We then learned about the 10 Essentials by completing an

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