| Ford Church

CAP Week In Review

This was an extraordinary week as our class spent Tuesday finalizing logistics and making preparations for our last weekend overnight camping trip for the quarter. We had a unique opportunity to collaborate with the Binning Family Foundation, which is a private foundation in Littleton, Colorado that improves the lives of Colorado youth through a technology program and outdoor leadership program. We teamed up with their outdoor leadership program to give both groups the opportunity to learn from other high school and college students with a diverse background. More about our amazing weekend to come…

On Wednesday, we made great strides with out Action Project. We had about three weeks before the holiday break to coordinate our Action Project, which is scheduled for Wednesday, January 5, 2005. We broke up into teams and brainstormed all the possible solutions and projects that we could take on as a class to help promote the alternative fuel source vehicles. After a great discussion, we decided as a class that we would assemble a panel of experts and facilitate a discussion about this issue hopefully on air on with KGNU, our community radio station in Boulder, and with some of the larger local TV news stations from Denver. We decided that we still need to do more research on our topic and compile a list of statistics, backed up with legitimate sources, that highlight the environmental impact of transportation in our country, including topics like air quality, pollution, health considerations, etc. Our goal is to educate folks about the environmental impact of the automotive industry, to compile statistics with some shock value, to let people know this is an important issue that needs to be addressed, and to encourage environmentally sustainable solutions. The panel of experts will discuss those sustainable solutions and talk about how to make transportation alternatives such as biodiesel, hybrid, hydrogen fuel source vehicles more

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