| Ford Church

CAP Week In Review – November 2, 3, and 5, 2004

Emotions were running high as we went into this week’s Election. On Tuesday, we participated in an interactive lesson called “Rock the Environmental Vote.” While none of the students in our class were old enough to vote, it is important for students to have an understanding of the environmental issues on the ballot this year. We broke up into groups, discussed the arguments for and against each environmental issues on the ballot, and then our class took a vote.

On Wednesday morning, we dove into the Action Project process and began brainstorming all of the outdoor and environmental issues affecting the Boulder community. Herbicide and pesticide use, invasive plant species, and SUV’s topped the list of issues that our class was most passionate about addressing this quarter. After opening several rounds of discussion, students chose to address the environmental impact of SUV’s. Because this is such a broad topic we will do some preliminary research to narrow the topic. Students are interested in the consumer behavior of SUV owners, the environmental impact of SUV’s, how SUV’s contribute to the “brown cloud,” and alternative cars and fuel sources available to new and potential SUV buyers.

On Wednesday afternoon, we began making preparations for our first weekend overnight camping trip. We learned about “The Game of Thermodynamics,” discussed winter camping skills and techniques, and received a gear and equipment list for our camping trip. We then walked over Eastern Mountain Sports to research outdoor gear and equipment, to discuss the ecological footprint that some of the technical gear in the outdoor industry has on the planet, and some sustainable alternatives for students to consider using in the field. I want to send a special thanks to Mik, Jay, and Chris at EMS for answering questions and hooking our class up with great gear rental discounts. You guys rock! Below, Chris is demonstrating how to do pull ups with 2 ice axes.

Friday, we began to explore our Action Project issue by participating in a Socratic Seminar. The class read two articles: Is it Wise to Purchase an SUV? and Paranoiac Arguments and then discussed whether or not SUV’s were really an issue. It was a stimulating discussion and I think we are on track to narrow our topic and complete a meaningful project to have a positive impact in the Boulder community.

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