| Ford Church

CAP Week in Review – May 4, 5, 6, and 7, 2004

This was a hectic week as we began making final preparations for our 4 Days in May/CAP Action Project. Everything came together at the eleventh hour, but then our transportation plans fell through just before our project was scheduled to begin. On Thursday, we went in to high gear and called parents to help out. As always, the parents came to the rescue – Thank you Lisa and Laura!

This week, we were honored to have Mike Zawaski as a guest speaker to teach us about Astronomy. Mike is an instructor for Outward Bound and the Wilderness Medicine Institute and he has created an interactive curriculum called Kinesthetic Astronomy. He has created a way to teach basic astronomy by putting students in motion to show how the solar system works. Thanks Mike!

In addition to making preparations for our 4 Days in May project, we were also making preparations for our first CAP overnight. On Wednesday, we discussed campsite selection, set up our tents to make sure we had all of the pieces parts, and then practiced lighting stoves on the basketball court. After discussing food rations and nutrition, we took a quick field trip to King Soopers to buy our food for our overnight. It was a productive week and we are looking forward to our first overnight together!

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