| Ford Church

CAP Week In Review –December 14, 15, and 17, 2004

As the logistics were beginning to come together for our Action Project last week, this week we focused on finalizing our panel of experts. We are proud to announce the following panelists for our Action Project called Transportation: From Pollution to Solution, which will be held at New Vista High School on Wednesday, January 5, 2005 from 2:30pm – 4:00pm:

  • John Bush, Member, Boulder Biodiesel.
  • Graham Hill, President, 21 Wheels.
  • Landon Hilliard, Student Transportation Coordinator, Boulder Valley School District.
  • Robert McCormick, Senior Fuel Engineer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
  • Sarah O’Keefe, Communications Manager, Regional Air Quality Council.
  • Ken Regelson, Renewable Energy Advocate, Boulder Renewable Energy.
  • Will Toor, Director, CU Environmental Center.

    On Wednesday, we took a break from coordinating logistics to meet up with Alex Hearn from Rocky Mountain Rescue up in Chautauqua Park. Alex talked to us about search and rescue in Boulder County, briefed the students about the purpose and function of the organization, and then put CAP students to the test. After hiking up the trail about a mile, Alex presented the group with a rescue scenario. Dan was showing signs of moderate to severe hypothermia, the students were 6 miles from a trailhead, and only had a few hours of light to decide what to do. Students learned firsthand how difficult it is to carry someone out over rocky and icy terrain and learned the importance of DAP: Define, Assess, and Plan in emergency situations.

    A special thanks goes out to Alex for sharing his wisdom, knowledge, and expertise with our class, for Dan for being our brave victim, and for the rest of the students who gave it their all to hike out Dan under difficult conditions and circumstances.

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