| Ford Church

CAP Week in Review – April 20, 21, and 22, 2004

Building upon the great work we accomplished last week towards our Action Project, we continued with the process on Tuesday by generating a task list we need to complete in order to coordinate our project. This is inherently a student directed project, so the students are in charge of choosing the topic and coordinating all of the details.

On Wednesday, we spent the morning watching Cast Away with Tom Hanks. This was an incredible movie about the physical and mental hurdles that can be presented in a long-term survival situation. Due to the weather and a few sick students, we postponed our long hike until next Wednesday and walked over to Café Sole to process and discuss the movie. We talked about what it would be like to be in Chuck Noland’s (Tom Hanks) position, what our priorities would be if we were in his situation, how he creatively used materials tools to his advantage, and what was realistic and unrealistic about the movie. We thought about dealing with the stress, fear, and anxiety of being in a real survival situation and strategies to maintain the will to live, thrive, and survive and to maintain a positive attitude. This was a great movie and I was pleased with the discussion that followed.

On Thursday, Mike substituted for Ford and everyone spent the class going to work accomplishing the task list that we created on Tuesday. All in all, it was another very productive week!

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