| Ford Church

CAP Take Aways

As the inaugural quarter of the Community Adventure Program comes to a close, it is important to reflect on what we did as a class during the past nine weeks. This has been an extraordinary group of students to work with and I hope that this class has had a positive impact on their lives. Here is a quick recap about what we did and what I hope each student will take away from their participation in the CAP:

CAP in Review:
* Read a variety of outdoor and environmental quotes each class from a variety of authors.
* Read the Lorax by Dr. Seuss to talk about environmental impact
* Met Laura Nilo from Leave No Trace
* Learned about Expedition Behavior
* Met Garth Schaffer from Service Learning Colorado to learn about community service projects
* Met Michael Jospe from the Earth-Based Institute to learn about nature awareness and tracking skills
* Learned how to communicate from the heart by using a technique called the Way of Council
* Discussed and debated 2003 Colorado ballot issues pertaining to the environment
* Participated in the CAP Community Action Process to brainstormed local outdoor and environmental issues affecting the Boulder community, conduct research, and complete a project as a class to have a positive impact in Boulder.
* Completed weekly journal entries to reflect on what we did each week, identify what we learned, and transfer that information to our lives
* Attended a local outdoor clinic or slideshow
* Learned about the 12 Essentials
* Learned how to make our own survival kits
* Met Gary Neptune from Neptune Mountaineering to learn about his mountaineering experience and gain a historical perspective for how outdoor gear and equipment has evolved over the years
* Learned how to create a menu and shop for our own food for our first overnight trip
* Went on an overnight trip to Camp Ora-Penn outside of Nederland, CO to learn basic camping skills, friction fire, knife safety, more nature awareness activities, and how to build natural shelters
* Explored our sense of place in Boulder, CO
* Learned about how to interpret weather patterns
* Met Lynne Sullivan from City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks to learn about the cultural history of Chautauqua Park, the Colorado Front Range, and edible and medicinal plant identification
* Watched a documentary called Endurance to learn about the 1914 Shackleton expedition to the South Pole
* Learned about leadership traits and decision-making skills
* Participated in leadership and teambuilding initiatives with Garth Schaffer from Service Learning Colorado
* Learned about winter camping basics, clothing selection, winter safety concerns, and how to stay warm
* Practiced trip planning skills by identifying number of miles, elevation gain, and estimated hiking time for trip scenarios
* Met Chris Barge, Outdoor Writer for the Daily Camera, and learned tips about how to write an article to be published and research tips
* Went rock climbing at The Spot Bouldering Gym
* Went on a winter camping overnight trip to St. Mary

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