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Two New Community Adventure Program Instructors

The Cottonwood Institute is proud to welcome two amazing young woman onto our staff as instructors for the Community Adventure Program. Paige Doughty will be instructing at New Vista High School in Boulder, CO and Leslie Douglass will be instructing at P.S.1. Charter School and Manual High School in Denver and will teach camping and wilderness survival skills to help students to tackle important environmental issues. Paige and Leslie are both thrilled to be working with the kids and teaching their shared passion for the outdoors and the environment.

Paige Doughty is a writer, artist and environmental educator who is always looking for new ways to blend her creative passions with her commitment to education towards a sustainable culture. Paige received her Masters degree in Environmental Education at Lesley University and the Audubon Expedition Institute. Since then, she has taught high school and middle school in Australia and has worked for various environmental organizations including, Living on Earth, The Green Streets Initiative, and the Massachusetts Audubon Society. Through teaching, Paige was inspired to act on her passion to make the world a healthier happier place by working with high school aged students.

Leslie Douglass grew up with the Rockie Mountains as her playground and she took full advantage. Today Leslie is an avid hiker, cyclist, skier and gardener, who enjoys being able to share her passion and knowledge with others. Leslie received her Bachelor’s degree in psychology at Butler University in Indiana and her Master’s in Secondary Education from George Fox University in Oregon.

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