| Ford Church

Scholarship Requests Hit All Time High, But A Small Donation Can Make A Big Difference!

We’ve all heard it – the economy is in a tailspin. But this is not an excuse to stop giving because kids need our help now more than ever.

Because of these tough economic times, the Cottonwood Institute has received more scholarship requests than we can fulfill for students to attend our amazing Summer Courses.

One scholarship applicant shared, “I only have the help of my mother, but she is ill. My little brother is in gangs and doing drugs. It is very stressful for me, but I keep going forward for my family so they can live a better life in the future. Getting an education is my only hope.”

And another scholarship applicant said, “My family is very financially challenged. My father is disabled and my mother has been unemployed for 2 years. We are struggling to pay our bills and we can barely afford food. I would love to go on this trip!”

With their courage and determination, and a little help from you, we can work together to provide a powerful, life-changing experience for these students. Our courses encourage students to explore the outdoors, raise their awareness of local environmental issues, and empower them to become the next generation of environmental stewards.

So far we have $11,300 in scholarship requests, but we have only raised $8,300, so we still have another $3,000 to raise before the end of the summer. A small donation made by many can make a big difference!

Please consider making a donation to the Cottonwood Institute’s Jason F. Griffith Scholarship Fund today by mailing a check to PO Box 7067, Denver, CO 80207 or by donating online by Clicking Here.

To learn more about what we are up to with the Cottonwood Institute: Click Here.

To see the power of your donation in action, check out our photo gallery by Clicking Here.


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