| Ford Church

New Dates: Essential Survival Skills

The Cottonwood Institute is proud to feature its Essential Survival Skills course for adults. This four day action-packed course is designed to teach participants how to stay alive during a real survival situation. Throughout the four days, we will hike to a base camp and practice nature awareness skills, minimum impact camping techniques, natural shelter construction, and starting fires using primitive and modern methods. We will also participate in a 24-hour survival scenario to put our skills to the test followed by a debriefing of the scenario and discussion about long-term survival considerations. Lastly, we will complete an environmental service project to give back to the land. This course will take place from October 2 – 5, 2008 near Nederland, CO and is for those eighteen years and older. If you don’t have what it takes to survive, but want to learn, register for this course today!

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2 Responses to “New Dates: Essential Survival Skills”

  1. Erica

    What a neat course. It’s crucial to have those kind of skills, even if you think you won’t be needing them. A neat new real-life series check out is “I Survived.” You can learn very valuable survival techniques, and see how individuals overcame unbelievable circumstances. In the first episode (I’ve already seen it I work with BIO), this guy was on his way to an overnight camping trip when the most dangerous blizzard struck, his truck got stuck in the snow, and he only had enough food for 1 night and water for a few days. Things started turning out for the worst, fortunately he knew some great survival tactics that kept him alive and able to talk about his triumph in the end! The premiere is March 25 @ 9pm ET. Check out http://www.bio.tv for more info. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it, you gonna check it out?


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