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Change the World Movie Night: The Real Dirt on Farmer John

Come join the Cottonwood Institute on Thursday, August 14th 2008 for a free viewing of the film, The Real Dirt on Farmer John. The movie will begin at 6:30 pm at the Fluid Coffee Bar in Denver, and will be followed by a discussion about how to change the world!

“Soil tastes good today.” – Farmer John Peterson

In the tiny town of Caledonia, Illinois there lives a farmer named John. But John is not your ordinary farmer. Apart from his ruff and tumble past, Farmer John enjoys riding his tractor wearing only his underwear and a purple, feathered boa, singing songs about bumble bees, and most importantly farming organically and running his own CSA cooperative (Community supported agriculture). In his early teens, John’s father passed away, and the tending of the family farm was left to John. In his hands the farm went through many transformations. From an art commune in the 70’s, to the farming economic crisis in the 80’s when John lost most of his land. The film The Real Dirt on Farmer John tells the inspiring story of John’s life, and the struggles and hardship he endured to make the farm the way it is today. CLICK HERE to view the trailer, and we hope to see you on Thursday!

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