
CAP Week in Review – February 3, 4, and 6, 2004

This week we jumped right into the Community Action Process. Students spent Tuesday participating in a Brainwriting exercise to brainstorm local outdoor and environmental issues affecting the Boulder community. After the brainstorming was completed, students generated over 45 problems affecting our community from the brown cloud to invasive species infiltrating the natural ecosystem. By Friday,… Read more »


CAP Week in Review

This week we jumped right into the Community Action Process. Students spent Tuesday participating in a Brainwriting exercise to brainstorm local outdoor and environmental issues affecting the Boulder community. After the brainstorming was completed, students generated over 45 problems affecting our community from the brown cloud to invasive species infiltrating the natural ecosystem. By Friday,… Read more »


Quote for February 6, 2004

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.”


Student Journal Entry, by Becky Goodhew

This week was a really fun week in our CAP class. On Tuesday we discussed the community action project that we’re going to be doing. The community action project last quarter was centered around trying to stop people from leaving dog poo on trails. I think this class we may end up doing something about… Read more »


Student Journal Entry, by Misra Cohen-MacGill

This week in CAP we were just getting started. On Tuesday we did all the boring stuff like going over the syllabus and handing out permission slips. I was amazed when we went over all the gear that you need to go winter camping. I


Quote for February 4, 2004

“May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your rivers flow without end, meandering through pastoral valleys tinkling with bells, past temples and castles and poets


Weekly Outdoor Clinic Calendar – February 2 – 8, 2004

CAP students are expected to broaden their outdoor knowledge and skill base by tapping into the rich educational resources in their community. In order to accomplish this goal, students will take advantage of the free outdoor skills clinics, workshops, and slide shows offered by outdoor retail stores in the Colorado Front Range. Below are some… Read more »


Weekly Outdoor Clinic Calendar

CAP students are expected to broaden their outdoor knowledge and skill base by tapping into the rich educational resources in their community. In order to accomplish this goal, students will take advantage of the free outdoor skills clinics, workshops, and slide shows offered by outdoor retail stores in the Colorado Front Range. Below are some… Read more »


CAP Week in Review – January 27, 28, and 30, 2004

This week the CAP was in full swing, with the mound of paperwork and course logistics behind us. On Tuesday, we spent the class learning about the Community Action Project we will take on during this class. Our class will work together to tackle an outdoor or environmental issue affecting our community and actually doing… Read more »