| Ford Church

Student Journal Entry, by Noah Theeman-Lindberg

The first day was both exciting and dull for me. On one hand, I pretty much knew what the class was going to be about, and was bored by reading the syllabus. On the other hand, though, I was excited to see all the new faces in the class, and also to have some, old, familiar ones. I am looking forward to meeting many of them. I remember being exited and impressed with the class on my first day, and I wondered if the new students were feeling the smae thing. I was also exited to that Ford had made some changes with the class, (though I didn’t really care too much for the final project idea.)

Wednesday was just plain good fun for me. I really enjoyed getting a sense for everyone else in the class during the name game. I thought that we had a great, and unbeatable group last quarter, but I was really impressed with the looks of this group. I thought the interview thing was a good idea, and had a good time with it. I felt there was something missing with the council, though, and I had a hard time getting into it. What I enjoyed most of all was the hike. I thought that, though the name game was good, community just builds naturally, and I thought it was bulding quickly during the hike. I really enjoyed the hike myself, because I got to share a trail that I frequently use and love. I often feel like there is nothing better than a good intellectual conversation, and I was having a great one the whole time. I basically just really enjoyed the hike, and want to do it more often.

I really enjoyed Friday, just because we were doing my thing. I really enjoy socratic seminars, and was glad we had one. It was great sharing my opinions and hearing others.

I think this was all pretty applicable to my future. I plan on continuing to hike, and will take more people to that spot. I also plan on continuing to have more conversations like I had on the hike, and in the socratic seminar. Most of all, I really like the earth charter, and plan on taking in its principles.

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