| Ford Church

Welcome to the Community Adventure Program…

Thank you for visiting the Community Adventure Program (CAP) website. The Community Adventure Program is a unique academic class that blends adventure and service while connecting high school students with their community. If you are new to the site, please take a moment to surf around and let us know what you think!

  • Get a sense of what CAP is all about by checking out the Community Adventure Program Photo Album.
  • To learn more about the Community Adventure Program, please click on the About CAP section. Here you will find the statement of need, CAP goals, program description, pilot program information, what the CAP is not, CAP in the media, testimonials, and the CAP Teacher bio.
  • To learn what we do on a daily basis, please click on Program News where we host a web journal about our program and post our “Week in Review” articles.
  • If you would like to review weekly journal entries from students who have participated in the Community Adventure Program, please click on Student Entries to read about their experience.
  • Each class begins with a quote that pertains to some aspect of the Community Adventure Program. If you would like to review the list of inspiring quotes we have shared so far, please click on Quotables.
  • If you would like more academic information regarding definitions of experiential education, outdoor education, environmental education, service learning, social capital, civic engagement and community involvement, or community please click on Academic Corner for a glossary of terms.
  • To review some of our class handouts from last quarter, including our weekend overnight handout and course syllabus, please click on Class Handouts for more information.
  • If you would like to speak with someone in person or if you would like to receive more information about the Community Adventure Program, please click on Contact Us.

  • Categories: Program News

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    10 Responses to “Welcome to the Community Adventure Program…”

    1. hovav paller

      I would love to further my knpwledge about winter survivle.as someone who camps frequently , having survivle skills could save my life, and halp me enjoy the outdootrs more. nothing is more important than being comfortable in the outdoors, our world, and this class could teach me . I also want to adress the world problems of overpop,pollution, hunger, and solve them to the best of my ability.

    2. Tait Lewis

      Incredible photo album, despite the slow loading time for the main page. Well worth the wait.

    3. Willy

      I wanna learn how to make a fire from nothingness, thatd be sweet…i wanna sleep in a snowdealie too, cuz thatd be pretty fun

    4. Tristan Watson

      Just started the class at New Vista and I am looking foward to learning all the skills that Ford has mentioned. Going camping is going to be sweet.

    5. Sam

      I’m really looking forward to going camping and learning how to survive in different conditions. The snow shelters look awesome, I want to learn how to build them. Colorado’s so beautiful and I want to take advantage of my surroundings like I have in the past.

    6. Drew

      I’d like to garner some of the outdoor skills that I haven’t had the oppertunity to develop.

    7. dane hansen

      i just want a basic understand of summer and winter suvial just to go with the flow and any way it better then school

    8. Tait Lewis

      Sorry about the first comment. I hope to learn and understand the essential skills for surviving horrible mishaps during camping trips, in addition to actually doing something for a cause (which has yet to be determined).

    9. Jacob

      I still can’t believe I’m actually going to be in this class! I just hope I don’t die…I’m not exactly a rugged outdoorsman.


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