| Ford Church

“Never Put a Tent on a Slant!”

This quarter, CAP students are focusing on water. Industrial farming, pollution and water usage are

1-match fire

the three main issues they are addressing. “You need water to use,” says one student. “It’s being diminished so quickly; it needs to be protected.”

For Action Project week, students are going to do an art mural, produce pamphlets detailing ways to save water, act out a skit on Exhibition Day, and clean up the creek on Friday. They’ve been working hard, and everything’s finally coming together.

This CAP class is really zany. It’s a large group, but everyone gets along just fine. There’s a lot of laughter and jokes and good ideas floating around the room. Their favourite part about CAP so far has been the camping trip, where they learned bowdrilling and other essential survival techniques, went on an awesome midnight hike, and Thomas told a scary story. They also learned to “never put a tent on a slant (with ten people in it)!” and to never bring easy mac on an overnight.

Have fun, CAP!

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