| Ford Church

CAP Week In Review

This week we spent a lot of time in class finalizing our vision for our Action Project and coordinating the logistics to make it all happen. We have two weeks to coordinate everything before the holiday break, so it is go time! Here is what we have come up with so far

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2 Responses to “CAP Week In Review”

  1. Gwenna Horne

    I am just writing this to say what an awesome time I had last Wednesday when we went hiking up Gregory Canyon. I really enjoyed learning about the differences and connections of some of the wildlife in the area. I had no idea that it was the richest in diversity along the Front Range! It made sense once Lynn talked to us about how when two vastly different ecosystems meet abruptly (at a transitional ecosystem? I can’t remember the name) there is lots of diversity in the area. The hike also gave me some time to stop, take a breath and look at some things that I usually don’t take the time to see.

  2. Kira

    it was an extremely awsome hike. i thought the thing where we got the animals and had to figure out which ones we were was awsome. it was a killer intro into the stuff that lynn had to say about survival over the winter and all that jazz.


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