| Ford Church

Action Project Check In Reflection Assignment

Instead of turning in a journal assignment this week, please click on the “comment” link below this post and answer the following questions regarding our Action Project. Before you submit your post, make sure to include your first name, last name, and email address. Also, because this will be viewed by the public, please check your spelling and grammar before submitting your post. If you are having technical difficulties, please turn in your written response to these questions. Please answer the following questions.

1. In general, how do you think our Action Project is going so far?
2. Specifically, what is going well in terms of positive actions, behaviors, successes, etc. that you have observed?
3. Specifically, what is not going well in terms of negative actions, behaviors, failures, etc. that you have observed?
4. How can you make changes in your actions or in your behaviors to improve your experience, the experience of your classmates, and to be more efficient to help organize our project by January 5th?
5. How has this class/process changed your views about your role as a high school student in the community?

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5 Responses to “Action Project Check In Reflection Assignment”

  1. Gwenna Horne

    …So, hey all y’all, it’s Gwenna, and I’m just writing to the blog about our questions as to the action project…so here it goes.

    1. In general, how do you think our Action Project is going so far?
    I would say that we are definitely behind schedule, and not to be a pessimist, but we may not achieve our goal of a summit of experts. We seem to have hit an “Action Project block” and we are often unmotivated during the class time.

    2. Specifically, what is going well in terms of positive actions, behaviors, successes, etc. that you have observed?
    I have personally witnessed the hard work, and running around of Mark and Justin, so kudos to you. Also, Dan’s passion keeps us more ignited that we would be otherwise, and Danya has compiled an excellent list of contacts. Also thanks, to Owen, Sean, and Kuzi for compiling some statistics.

    3. Specifically, what is not going well in terms of negative actions, behaviors, failures, etc. that you have observed?

    4. How can you make changes in your actions or in your behaviors to improve your experience, the experience of your classmates, and to be more efficient to help organize our project by January 5th?
    Try to be more aggressive in my “team management skills.” I don’t really feel like I am motivating, and delegating tasks to the team as well as I could be.

    5. How has this class/process changed your views about your role as a high school student in the community?
    It has changed my views not so much as how I fit into the community, but more how a community runs itself. Like many things, I never realized how much work and collaboration goes into trying to make a difference. I admire those who do it on a regular basis, since it takes quite a toll on mental energy, and time commitment it takes.

  2. kuz

    1. I think for the magnitude of our project it is going quite well. I do believe we are doing a decent job at accomplishing all our given tasks.

    2.I have noticed many students are motivated by this topic and we do get lots of work done during class. I think it is great that our class divides tasks so well. We have had large amounts of success finding stats and so on.

    3. A lot of the time kids end up doing the same thing as other kids. In addition to this often some of the children get side tracked with other things, such as eating.

    4. I can try to stay on task more and more, I do notice somtimes I daze off. I am putting a stop to this however. No more will I ever loose focus.

    5. It hasn’t changed the views about myself. But, it has greatly changed my thoughts on some of the other students. I now know some of the other students are very capable of getting hard things done.

  3. Justin Roznowski

    Hellooooooooooo, its Justin…

    1.I think the action project is going quiet well, althogh it seems we still have much work to do on it. I think that we are doing fine, though, and if we just keep working we will finish before the end of the quarter. We need to get crackin’ on the documentary.

    2. I think the action project is comin along really well and I think the finshed product will be awesome.

    3.Nothing is really that bad but I would have to say the worst thing that has happened so far is the absence Owen…We’ll all miss him.

    4. I sometimes get sidetracked. I will try not to any more.

    5. I have to say it has not really changed me very much, but it is really fun and I did learn a lot of new things. I think it is awesome how I became a lot better friends with everyone in the class then I would have in any other class.

  4. Sean

    1. The action project isn’t going to bad, I only hope we didn’t bite off a chunk too big for us to chew.
    2. Dan’s enthusiasm is always there. It can be a good or bad thing, depending on how you want to look at it.
    3. I’ve noticed Sean showing a lack of enthusiasm and has been slacking off for a little bit.
    4. Well, I guess we could just try. Worst case scenario is that nothing ends up happening, trying shouldn’t hurt anything too terribly much.
    5. Not really too much, I have always had tremendous faith in the youth of the nation.

  5. Mark

    1. I think that we’re doing great on the action project.

    2. I think that everyone has had a positive and go get ’em attitude.

    3. The only thing that I think is not going well is the time we have to do it in.

    4. I don’t think that we can change the time limit, so nothing.

    5. It made me more aware about the environment.


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