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Web Discussion for April 20, 2006

This week we chose an environmental issue affecting Boulder County for our Action Project: Water Issues. This is a broad topic that we will begin to narrow next week. As we discussed last week, awareness and education are key ingredients necessary to change the world. Your homework this weekend is to learn as much about water issues in Boulder County as possible. Yesterday, several students learned about a local organization called the Boulder Area Sustainable Information Network (BASIN), so I want to you visit their comprehensive website at: http://bcn.boulder.co.us/basin/. After surfing through the BASIN website, please answer the following questions: 1. Describe all of the ways you depend on water to survive and how you use water in your daily lives. 2. What specific water issues are affecting Boulder County? 3. What specific projects are you drawn to that we can potentially take on for our Action Project?

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41 Responses to “Web Discussion for April 20, 2006”

  1. Rachel

    We use water everyday in a lot of ways. The obvious ways being to drink and clean, but we also use water a lot in cooking. We use water to do the dishes, shower, and to clean almost anything. Water is in almost anything we eat that isn’t totally processed because almost everything requires water to grow and therefore has water in it. Even if it is processed most foods need water to be cooked. Some people depend on water to power their homes. We depend on it for everything to live. Plants and trees and animals and everything in the environment depend on it to live.

    I was a little bit overwhelmed by all the stuff on the BASIN website, but I think I got the basic idea of some water issues in Boulder. One is the 100 year flood and all the flood drills and stuff but I don’t think that’s is very important as I don’t believe it will be that big. Another problem is water pollution. I read the article about how state sewer and large industries are putting way more pollution in the water than is legal. I don’t know that we could really do anything about that but it is a problem is the amount of fluoride in water in Colorado. The article said that this amount of fluoride could cause dental problems and bone fractures.

    I think the project I am still most inclined to is cleaning up the Boulder reservoir, because I think that I something that we could easily do that would be a big help and something that could last four days. It is something that wouldn’t take a lot of outside help and that is very attainable.

  2. Becca

    We use over 100 gallons of water a day. The major uses for water are drinking and eating. Drinking soda has carbonated water in it as well as regular water and other beverages. Fruit and vegetables are grown using water, the meat we eat also grows off water and plants that need water. We also use water when we shower, brush our teeth, wash dishes, cleaning almost anything uses water. All the snow we have gotten this year should help us this summer. We use even more water in the summer, an example of more water use is filling up the thousands of swimming pools in Colorado!

    A big issue in Boulder is the water pollution, because of people up stream, farms, and all the litter people leave around water in Boulder has gotten worse over the years. Also the sewers are dumping a lot of toxic waste into our water along with the huge factories and companies in the area. Denver industries also contribute to water pollution.

    I agree with Rachel, the project I think is important and doable is the Boulder Reservoir. I know what is in the Reservoir already and what people are putting in the Reservoir. Everyday after school I go to the Res. for Crew, and I have to say I have seen cans float by while rowing that say “Warning Hazardous Material”, “Toxic”, or “Flammable”. It actually does scare me to know that that kind of stuff is getting into our Res. I believe we could also talk to the Boulder Reservoir management about it! I bet they don’t really know what’s in that water.

  3. Torie

    1. I depend on water in copious ways. There is the obvious drinking of water. I swim and participate in recreation in the Boulder creek and reservoir, as well as various lakes. I take a shower almost everyday, I wash my hands, I use the toilet, I cook with water, my animals drink water, I clean my bike with water, I do dishes with water, clean my clothes with water, I use indoor pools, I clean my house with water, water the lawn, water plants with water, I use water all the time!

    2. Specific issues effecting Boulder County about water would be the Boulder Reservoir issues. Some of the issues include the pointless water runoff (storm) beside the Boulder Feeder Canal, spills and disposal into Farmer’s Ditch and the Boulder Feeder Canal (which could be very harmful to the wildlife at the Boulder reservoir.) There is also the Left Hand Creek spring runoff.

    3. Ideas for our action project could be making people aware and educating them about alternative non-toxic household cleaners, preventing sediment from washing off a construction site, using minimal amounts of fertilizer on lawns, and taking your car to a carwash where they treat water.

  4. Noah

    1. Water is needed for hydration, for hygiene, for cleaning (such as mopping the floor), for electricity, for growth (such as grass or plants as well as food from farming), for recreation and beauty which in turn draws tourists who help the economy and keep many small Colorado towns alive, for transportation, for fishing, and for use in cooking. Water also has many miscellaneous uses such as cooling things down or heating them up. When pavement is laid down they also pour water on it I believe to cool it down. It is used to put out fires. Water is often used in Chemistry labs as part of scientific experiments too. And water houses millions of species of plant and animal life which humans study. Many people even have fish tanks. This world is mostly water and we are totally dependant on it.

    2. One of the largest problems with water in Colorado is the lack of it. Thirty years ago the snow used to stay in the mountain tops all year long. Now snow is a rare sight in the summer months. With no snow pack there is less water coming down from the mountains. This along with bad weather has caused drought. The problems with drought is that it makes all the stuff I mentioned above harder to accomplish or lesser in some way. That right there is a mass of issues. One prospective solution to the drought is called cloud seeding. This is basically where chemicals are laid down to trap moisture and make precipitation in certain areas. This could also help the ski industry enormously. Boulder gets its water directly from the mountains. Another problem is the toxins in the rivers. Pollutants in the river are found because water treatment plants are inadequate in stopping some chemicals that are dumped down the drain. The industrial complex in Colorado is what causes the most pollution. This includes mining companies, power plants, ect.

    3. I haven’t been able to come up with anything too specific, but I want to take on a project to make the streams and rivers in this area cleaner, free of pollutants. This might include talking to companies, such as Roche Pharmaceuticals who produce crazy amounts of pollution here in Boulder. Even though much of it goes into landfills, they may very well be affecting the water here. It might also mean taking on water treatment facilities in the hope of improving them here. All of this may include conducting experiments for certain levels of pollutants in the water, figuring out where it comes from and why it is there, and doing something about it.

  5. prasun

    1. Describe all of the ways you depend on water to survive and how you use water in your daily lives.
    a. Some of the ways we use water everyday is for drinking, bathing, washing and to use for pools in the summer. Also basically everything we do and have is based on watering, for example our food we cook will aventualy need water to make it, and water is also used to make money (actual bills) the ink is based from water.

    2. What specific water issues are affecting Boulder County?
    One of the most common known issue is people are putting toxic and non-enviromental stuff down drains and will eventually end up on our water systems.

    3. What specific projects are you drawn to that we can potentially take on for our Action Project? Well for one, it is good to clean boulder creek.

  6. kris

    1.The entire earth must have water. Water makes climate, plants need climate, and water to survive. Humans and all animals need water and plants to survive. With out water the Earth will not work. Water is the only reason the earth works and we live, and that is why we need water, and to keep it clean. We all use water every day, from showers, cooking, and laundry.

    2. The Boulder water treatment plant affects us. They treat over 17 million gallons a day, using a 10hour multi-staged cleaning process.

    3. A clean up of Boulder creek would be a good action project.

  7. Eric

    Water is pretty much the most important resource on the planet. I believe that 80% of our oxygen comes from photosynthesis in seaweed, living in the ocean. Water covers 4/5ths of Earth’s total surface area, and is the reason life is possible. It regulates climate and the relatively high heat capacity keeps global temperatures from changing quickly. Water is the basis of every cell in every living organism. As a rule, a human being will die after about 3 days without water. It is in all the food we eat, both plant and animal. It is a source of energy, as well as the main force that shapes the landscape of our planet. In our society we drink water, bathe in water, clean our clothes in water, water our lawns with water, and sometimes heat our homes with water. Locally, water systems provide habitat for many ecosystems.

    In my perception, the biggest water problem around here is that there’s not enough to go around. Water gets taken for agriculture, ranching, drinking, and for watering our golf courses. Water rights are always a problem though, because everyone wants more. In terms of ecology, we have the problems of Eurasian Watermill Foil and the New Zealand Mud Snail. These two invasive species are taking over our creek. We also know that the Boulder community is polluting the local water sources, especially the big industrial operations like Roche. And of course, just for good measure, water causes problems with erosion.

    I want to do some restoration work. I think there’s good opportunity in terms of erosion control and wetland habitat restoration. I’m all for getting in the water an picking up trash, but I’m concerned about the sustainability issue. It might also be valuable to do some work to quantify what water quality issues ae most pressing, i.e. water testing for pollutants.

  8. Hawk

    1. Water is one of the main sources of life on Earth. It is used to drink by all living organisms, its used for washing, cleaning, taking showers, swiming pools and for having fun like water balloon fights.

    2. A specific water problem in Boulder Colorado is mainly water pollution.

    3. I am really interested in informing people about water polution and its effects on their everyday life.

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