| Ford Church

Journal for Friday, Dec. 8, 2006

I’d like you to take a moment and reflect on what we’ve learned so far this quarter.  A major component of the experiencial learning model is the practice of setting aside time and analyzing our experiences in the field. 

Please tell me about an experience you’ve had in this class that has stuck with you.  Why do you think this particular concept, lesson or experience has not been forgotten?  What made it different from other concepts, lessons or experiences?  How do you think you will apply what you’ve experienced/learned to future situations?  For example, if you’ve learned something about group dynamics, how will that knowledge change your words and actions when you are working with others in the future?  Your response should be edited for content, spelling, puctuation and grammar.

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6 Responses to “Journal for Friday, Dec. 8, 2006”

  1. Zak Maytum

    I think lessons that have stuck with me the most are the ones about avalanche awareness and avoidance. I think this is because back-country skiing is something that appeals to me, but I am really thrown off by the concept of suffocating under a pile of snow. As a result, the lessons put my mind a little more at ease because now I know that there are safe, well safer, ways to do it. So, in the future, I will not ski on 39 degree slopes or in trees less than 2 meters apart.

  2. carlton

    Well, one lesson that has stuck with me big time was the lesson(s) about insulation and how to keep yourself warm. This is a big lesson for me bescuase, one, I live in colorado and two, my dad takes me on trips to the outdoors all the time. I’ve also learned in this class that anything can happen and if I was out and about with my dad and somehow I got lost and had to spend a night out in cold, I would know how to keep myself warm and I would probalbly survive.

  3. stephen

    I’ve been out in the wilderness with my family for most of my life. I’m very used to doing this where you sleep outside and learn how to protect yourself. I think the most valuable thing that I have learned so far in CAP is how to work with the other students in the class: Teamwork is probably the most important.

  4. Charlie

    My parents’ say that they like to camp, but no matter what I do they won’t ever go. I love camping, but it isn’t something I do often, so that is one of the best parts of the course for me. I also really like how i finally have an outlet for my…want to do something benefiting the community (what I care about the most is air pollution) what I learned…I would need to say camping skills.

  5. Chris

    Learning how to start a bunch of different kinds of fires will stay with me the longest because fire is so nessisary in the outdoors. You have to stay warm after all. If a stiuation occurs, like when I’m camping with friends, I can show them how to start these fires without wasting their lighter fuel. Plus, it’s some of the most primal ways to start fires, how awesome.

  6. Zak Maytum

    Hey Matt, I know this is supposed to be a quote response but I don’t know how to contact you any other way. I went to Neptune tonight for the “Backpacking in Alaska” slideshow and the presenter, ironically, couldn’t make it from Denver because of the snow. I got a guy who works at neptune to right a note proving I was there. If that is enough to satisfy the outdoor clinic assignment that’s great. However if it’s not what do you suggest I do instead? Could I, for instance, rent an outdoor documentary and right a response to it? Anyway, please get back to me on this. I can now check my e-mail but if that doesn’t work my cell number is: (303) 941-3845. Thanks, ZAK.


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