| Ford Church

The New and Improved Cottonwood Institute Website!

After many long hours and a lot of hard work, the Cottonwood Institute is excited to announce the launching of its new website!  In addition to being much easier to navigate, the site offers a variety of new features and course listings that we can’t wait to share with you.

Under the Courses Section of the homepage you will find newly designed summer programs for students such as the Mountain Biking Survival Project, where students can get dirty riding the trails of Colorado while learning important wilderness survival skills. We have also designed new 1-day workshops for Schools & Community Organizations that would like to bring a more enriching experience to their students without incorporating a full semester long class into their schedule. These include courses such as Avalanche Science the Physiology of Survival.

Have you ever wondered how much you impact the environment just by driving your car or taking out the trash? In the Community Resources Section of the homepage you can learn how to Reduce Your Environmental Footprint, fascinating Green Facts, and Sustainability Resources for the classroom and for your own personal use. Increase your awareness and knowledge of the environment and take action!

While exploring the new Cottonwood Institute website, check out the Why Us section where you can enjoy the short Videos and Photos from this past Summer Courses. And don’t forget to visit the Cottonwood Institute Store! The holiday season is upon us once again and we just might have the perfect holiday gift you’ve been looking for.

We wanted to give a special shout out to our friends at Unique Blog Designs for doing a fantastic job and to our board member Mikal Belicove for overseeing the project. Enjoy the website and we’ll see you at: CottonwoodInstitute.org!

Categories: Cottonwood Institute News

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