| Ford Church

Day Trip

Manual students took a day trip to explore their community and partake in a little fun!

We started at Thrillseekers, an indoor rock climbing gym.  After learning about the equipment, safety tips, and a few techniques we were ready to climb!

Tailor and Marissa race up the wall! Tayana takes her first shot at making it up the wall.



Next we met with Linda Dowlen who works with Ride Arrangers.  We learned about how people in the city can set up carpools with one another to cut down on traffic and air pollution.  




Last, we ate at SAME cafe, a restaurant that has no prices!  They serve all local and organic foods and believe all people, no matter their economic status, should be able to eat a healthy meal.  After eating, we served the staff at SAME cafe by helping clean up and close down the shop.

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